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Welcome to Hot Rodding's only Music Radio Show 
Hot Rod Radio USA®
A Weekly-Syndicated-Rock & Roll Radio Program
The Original Name. The Original Show. 

Official home of "The Cruisin with Wings Show".


Hot Rod Radio USA On-Line!

Welcome to Hot Rod Radio USA®.  This is the home of the coolest music show on the radio.  If your "Oldies" broadcast station is looking for a quality, fun weekly program, look no further.

If you are new to our website and radio program, here is the buzz....

Hot Rod Radio USA® is a two hour, syndicated, weekly oldies/classic rock radio program.  I focus on cool cars and the rockin' music from the 50's, 60's and 70's.  I throw in a few slow ones too!  All of us here at Hot Rod Radio love hot rods and that's our theme.   I promise to put smiles in your miles as we powershift our way into your heart!  It's a really cool program produced by Kalahan Communications.  Your listeners will absolutely love it!  Hot Rod Radio USA is the perfect program to complement your weekend lineup and generate revenue for your station. 

We update the Hot Rod Radio USA® website on a regular basis.  If you don't see the information you are seeking, please inquire so we can answer your questions.  wings@hotrodradio.com

Check out a sample of by clicking on the player below!  Remember, you can also listen to Hot Rod Radio USA® anytime you wish on Tunein and many other podcast apps.  How cool is that?


-Wings Kalahan & the staff at Hot Rod Radio USA

Listen to Hot Rod Radio Live!

Click the player above to hear a sample of Hot Rod Radio USA®.  Crank it up!  If your radio station is interested in airing Hot Rod Radio USA® at a price that can't be beat (FULL BARTER), click on the "Radio Info" button or drop us a line at:  wings@hotrodradio.com  

We're ready to rock & roll with you and make money for your station!

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Click on the icons below for a direct link to Hot Rod Radio USA's past programs.  Choose TuneIn, iTunes or many other podcast apps, get the app and Rock & Roll with us anytime you want!

Sunday Mornings
at 9:00 AM

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